
I’ve Been Nominated… Twice!

Hello everyone! I was nominated for two awards! Woo hoo! First up, I was nominated by Rose from The Dolls of Texas.  Thank you so much, Rose!!! Go check out her blog, it's amazing! It's for The Old Post Tag! The rules are: Link back and talk about your first 5 posts. Nominate 5 people. Have… Continue reading I’ve Been Nominated… Twice!


The Bookish Pair Up Tag

WARNING! THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! READ ON AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! That was fun! 😜 Anyway, hi everyone! I wasn't nominated for this, it just seemed like fun! I learned about from Sam, so thank you, Sam! (Sam did say that if anyone wanted to do it, they could, so...) Here's what you get to do:… Continue reading The Bookish Pair Up Tag